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 Bio Riddle 

Who am I? 

I went through a lot of toil.  

I had a strong opinion about slavery and people saying otherwise made my  blood boil. 

I was very strong and loyal.   

Some would consider him royal.  

I  fought for the north.  

I set a statement of rules fourth. 


Some voted for me some did not.  

My reputation in the south started to rot. 

Which lead to a civil war. 

My point was to protect my people and that he swore. 


 I was a hero and a president. 

Even though a president and a curtail leader. 

I risked being a bleeder. 

I risked his own death and may have taken my last breath. 

I fought with all I had got. 

I knew I had given them a lot. 

They needed my compassion they needed my help. 

I needed to be strong I needed not to yelp. 


To my dismay it lasted for 5 years. 

I needed to be careful, I needed to not disappear. 

They needed me and I  knew that. 

I am very famous and he wore a big black hat. 

I am Abraham Lincoln you may know me. 

He was a leader and a helper to many in a time of  great plea. 

He was an amazing notable person. 

Overtime his reputation has not worsened. 

Overall he is a great guy. 

Maybe if you ever see him in the afterlife you should say hi. 


A Bio Riddle is a riddle which proposes a question about you notable. It consists of a rhyming couplets on the end of each line. For example, the end of the first line toil rhymes with the end of the second line boil.

Abraham Lincoln Bio Riddle

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