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Dear Mr. Crerar, 

I am here to propose to you one of the most inspirational person in history. The person I am here to propose is Abraham Lincoln  and why he is notable. He is one of the most inspirational person to all politics and leaders today. He set the standard which great leaders like Obama only dream about. He helped America through one of its most divided time in their history. He helped them through the American civil war. 


It was a new beginning for America he started a Democracy for a once divided land. He changed America for the greater good. He helped  save America from the Confederate States of America this was a group which were corrupt and wanted slavery. This would have been horrible! You are probably thinking if America supported slavery why would that affect us. It would. If America was not a democracy who would have saved us In the second world war. It was America who helped back us up in numerous battles were we would have lost. This is just why America's good relationship with Australia is crucial. You may not have thought this far though it was because of him and his heroism in the war. America would have been wouldn't be the place today if it wasn't for Abraham Lincoln. He was without a doubt the most influential person in the civil war, maybe the most influential person In all of history. 


He stood for a good cause that would have been stuck without a noble and righteous leader like Abraham. He was one of the very few leaders that had lead an army into a war and won. He didn't just win he couldn't have led them any better. He had the hardest and most dangerous job at the time. This didn't stop him and under the pressure he showed amazing grit, courage and lead the war for people who were lost in the challenging times of the civil war.  He led unbelievably during the civil war considering he lost his son Willie from a rare disease during the civil war. This also shows that he was resilient and didn't let thing weigh him down. This is what I think every single human should have the characteristic of excelling in hardship. 


He Abolished slavery saving many future American lives. He was not self-centered in anyway and did it for the greater good for all the people in America. This unselfish attitude came from his family because they were poor and couldn't afford to send him to school full time. So he spent a limited amount of time there because he needed to help provide for his family. This made him think about if the south had won and all the poor slaves that would have to suffer. This upbring improved his character and made him think about every single person that would have to suffer. Early life hardships have helped people grow into better leaders like Benjamin Franklin who only had 2 years of formal schooling. 


In the end Abraham Lincoln is definitely notable because he is worthy the attention of notice for his great deeds during the civil war. He is one of the very few  people who had a very special gift of having almost perfect morals and this definitely helped the north win the war and change history. His legacy is still remembered and he should be commemorated for his contribution to America and contribution to the world. 


This task was to propose why you wish to research your notable person.

Abraham Lincoln Proposal

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