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Ten Open Ended Questions

1.  Why did you first run for president and what was your motives? 

Abraham Lincoln always looked for something more than odd jobs and started his journey into politics. After he drew attention from higher up and got appointed Lincoln as the postmaster of new Salem. After progressing politicly he finally became a contender from the nomination for president but with being the least know candidate he would have to produce an astonishing speech. He was moved east to speech at Cooper Union Manhattan after producing an even better speech beating many famous people who had done it before and won the Republican parties place for president. 


2.  What was the hardest time for the North in the whole civil war?


The hardest part in the war was probably the battle of Gettysburg because General Robert E. Lee was advancing on the Norths territory after an influential win at the battle of Chancellorsville which was a devastating battle and the South was gaining ground they needed to be stopped otherwise they might advance to populated North States so this was probably an important battle because they needed to be stopped. 


3.  What was the hardest thing you had to do in the civil war and why? 

The hardest thing during the civil war was losing their young son willie from Typhoid fever in 1962 which where the curtail war years. This shows his everlasting devotion to the North and the civil war. Anything might have happened if he stepped down from his presidency. 


4.  Was your early life play an important path in why you choose politics? 

Abraham Lincoln was always into learning and progressing sadly, His dad was very stern and didn't care much about Abraham couldn't even read  or write. To make things worse his mother died when he was the age of 9. Though his dad married another person which encouraged Abraham's education this helped him believe that one day he could be something more than a worker. After he never did attend college and had many small jobs around here and there like looking after a boat shed but he still always looked for more. Then he got into politics and signed up for the Illinois state leisure. This was the first part of him progressing into politics. 


5.  Where you apprehensive of what was about to come before you became president? ​​

Abraham would have been apprehensive before he was elected president because the democratic party was threatening to secession if they did not win the presidency. This was concerning for Abraham Lincoln because this might have led to war. In the end it was the first time which the republican party had ever lost even though Abraham Lincoln had only obtained 40% of votes. This would have struck fear because the tension grew and grew which led to the  seven south states seceding on the 4th of March 1661. 

6.  Did Abraham Lincoln go to  university or law school? If he did where did he go and what did he study? If he didn't why?


He did not attend either university or law school. He couldn't afford to go to university and law schools hadn't been founded until the early 19th century. Even though he didn't go to either he still loved learning and was mostly self-taught because he only attended school a few days a week. 

7.  Where did he go to school and how many days did he attend and why?  

Abraham Lincolns first school was very small and taught basic things like the letters of the alphabet. It was hard for Lincoln to get an good education because most schools where miles away. Being the closest school he had to attend his primary school years there. It was 2-3 miles there and he was discouraged to go from his father so he also couldn't go for long periods of time. 

8.  Where you expecting the war to come to a close after Palmetto Ranch battle on the 12th of 1655? 

I was confident that the war was drawing to a close when the battle of Palmino Ranch. I thought this because they were low on everything from supplies to the men. It had been likely to happen since the beginning  we had the advantage of more men from the start of the war. 

9.    Where you expecting to get assassinated after the ending of the civil war and if so why? 

I knew it was a possibility for me to get assassinated after the civil war because then I would be opening the border between South and North. It would have been quite likely that some people in the South would still seek to destroy me even though the war had ended. It was like letting enemy's into our land. Though most had either given up or had chosen that it was for the best. I opened the borders because we needed to move on after this devastating war and we need to work on living together as the United States of America. This might have had conc3equences and I was right on the 15th April 1865 at  Peterson House Washington D.C USA 


10.   What was the hardest thing you had to do throughout your life? 

 The hardest thing I had to overcome in my life was that I needed to stay positive even though my father didn't agree with me getting an education. The other hardest thing was for me to lose my beloved son willie only one year into the civil war this was heart-breaking and I struggled for a long time to get over the devastation. 


Ten Questions you have to ask about your notable and you have to answer them in your notables point of view.

Abraham Lincoln Ten Open Ended Questions

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