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The big question (Abraham Lincoln)

Do you know about the inspirational leader, Abraham Lincoln? I am here to tell you why Abraham Lincoln should be considered a notable person by all, now and for the years to come. He has helped save many Americans from becoming slaves. Held the constitution together in a time which could have crumbled America. He has saved many lives and sadly lost his life serving America from the crippling war. He believed that someday slavery could be abolished. He believed the founding fathers had paved the way to abolish slavery all over the world. He took it on himself to lead America through one of the hardest civil wars in exitance. Many would have failed; many lives would have been lost if it were not for his compassion and leadership.  


My research process to look up my notable character was sometimes a difficult and rewarding process. It was hard to find certain information like his opinions on the situation at hand. I had to find small websites to find certain small and intricate details about the matter. For example, there was one website which supplied only one paragraph on the battle of Vicksburg though I still needed it. It was also hard to find lots of various aspects of Abraham's life. Therefore, I needed a variety of different sauces because there were lots of aspects of his life. These main aspects of his life were, education and early family life, jobs and route to politics, politics and law, civil war and abolishing slavery and finally, his assassination. There were many more. It was hard to decide which was the most reliable throughout the tasks because many were biased or did not supply the right information. Therefore, I used lots of different websites to get a variety of views on the same topic of his life. For example, a used a few biographies not just one and I would compare the information. This ends up taking much longer for the smaller parts of his life because of the intricate details that were hard to find a lot about. 


There were certain events which showed great characteristics through times which were challenging. He had certain influences which changed his life decisions. The main influence in his early years was the way his father approached his education. His father hated him having an education and only allowed Abraham to attend school for a few days a week. Though this didn’t stop Abraham’s drive to learn, and this was not going to put him in doubt. His drive is shown by his quote “my best friend is a person who will give me a book that I have not read.” Luckly his stepmother Sarah Lincoln supported Abraham and shared her love of learning with Abraham. Abraham always had a love for learning and his stepmother helped him pursue his passion for learning. Though a hardship of not going to school full time there was a good influence from his stepmother. A main event later in Abraham Lincolns life was him joining the Whig party and winning the Illinois state Legislature in 1834. This was a step forward and the start of his great political career some would say the most important other than the start of his presidency. He had to do many different professions before coming the president of the United States. This helped him understand lots of different circumstances which would have influenced his major decisions as president in his later years. The jobs he had prior to his presidency were rail-splitter, Boatsman, manual laborer, store clerk, store owner, soldier, election clerk, surveyor, state Legister, lawyer, congressperson, and the 16th president of the United States. Struggling hardships like not having a secure or full-time job made him grow grit. This is a characteristic what many notable people share from people. For example, Barak Obama, Benjamin Franklin, Walt Disney and Stephan King. These hardships which are struggled sometimes give certain positive characteristics which make up a notable person. 

 His most well-known speech was where he gave a lecture in the Cooper institute of Manhattan. This was where he said that 21 signatures on the constitution most of the signatures had said that slavery should be controlled by the congress. This was when the South was threatening to succeed if they did not win the seat of president of parliament because of the law that Abraham had brought up in this speech.  This was the speech where he was going to give a speech that would challenge America’s laws and government and change the course of slavery for millions of Americans. The last line he said was this “LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN OUR FAITH, LET US, TO THE END, DARE TO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT.” This was the first big step to stop slavery in America and abolish the Souths right to enslave people.  

The main event for him was when the civil war ended, this meant that the law that was once a dream had been passed. He had won. After the Palmino Ranch battle the confederate leader Robert E Lee was defeated. The vicious bloodbath was over. There had been millions of lives saved. This was a day that would be remembered throughout history it was like the colonization of democracy in America. This was the day Abrahm would remember forever. Sadly, Abraham Lincoln was shot in a theatre by John Wilkes Booth just five days after the war ended. This was a shock and America’s largest fugitive hunt to date was held. In the end John Wilkes Booth was killed by union cavalry. He was remembered as one of the most well-known icons of America. Though this made the rebuilding process hard and painstaking though America finally rebuilt to its once great government had been lost throughout the civil war. 

You may be asking why call Abraham Lincoln is notable just because he gave a hope speech? The reason this was so important is he was doing it for the people in America, he was doing it for future generations to come. We may even have slavery in America still around today if it was not for Abraham Lincoln. We needed someone to stand up for those who could not. As he always said, “it often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong.” He followed up by leading the North into many battles, giving speeches of hope to those who could not see it. It was shown that there were many suffering slaves in the South by the desperate rushes shown by the slaves to the Norths lines from the plantations. These men were considered free, and they had a choice to enroll in the army or return free to the North states. Out of the 12 240 293 people in the Souths population and 3.22% of the population owned slaves and 1% on the white confederate population owed more than 200 slaves. This meant there were thousands suffering from slavery and the number was climbing. This needed to stop.  

The war was a tough time for many. Even Abraham Lincoln son died. This did not stop him though. If he had resigned, then there would have been chaos and distraught this would have been the time when the South could have won. He knew that and despite his pain he still fought on. In these times figure out the hardship that they would have had to face. He is notable because while there were tough times he pushed through and in the end and saved millions of lives in America. This is amazing that he changed the law and the constitution, this is hard to do without grit and determination. He tried hard in whatever he did it is shown by his quote “When I do good, I feel good, when I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion.” Abrahma Lincoln had that grit. He always was always progressing. He said, “I am a slow walker though I never walk back”. He always wanted to do better. He was always progressing. 

 Abraham Lincoln is an inspiring person. He has set the expectations of a great and courageous leader. He has inspired me that you need to stand up for what is right no matter what the climate is. If you do this them, you will inspire people to do the same. I hope that you can find Abraham Lincoln as inspiring as I have if you want to see for yourself then go to the Abrahm Lincoln memorial there is one at the heart of Washington where you can find him gazing into the reflecting pool. Another place where you can find him is in his hometown of Illinois where there is a 100-acre garden in honor of his memory and what he did for America. There should be a memorial in every major North city to remember his contribution and to inspire many to stand up for what is right. It would be one of the greatest honor to get awarded the Abraham Lincoln. This would be one of the highest feats because of the characteristics that is shows.  

 As you can see Abraham is a notable person and should be commended for his contribution to America. He also should be thanked by many after freeing many Americans. He has been an extraordinary leader that only people dream of living up to. He has set the bar of achievement for all modern-day politics around the world no matter what country. When anyone thinks of Abraham Lincoln they should think of characteristics like grit, determination and courage. I hope you know now why Abraham Lincoln should be considered notable and why. 

Abraham Lincoln The Big Question


The Big Question is the main task in night of the notables. It consists of one question. Why should your chosen person be considered notable. This is the main finally of writing tasks and is by far the one that means the most.

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