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Visible Thinking Routine

I am thinking of the battle of Gettysburg and the influential part that Abraham Lincoln played thought the war. I am thinking it through the perspective of one of Abraham Lincoln's fellow leaders amongst the group . 


It is a cold painful winter mourning. We might be making our last stand against the confederates. This will either make or break the war. We have the numbers though you can't guarantee the end to a battle. Anything can happen that is why if you don't try then we will be defeated like our leader has always said "a house divided against itself cannot stand". If one of us it not trying then others will suffer we needed to make our stand for not just ourselves but for all of America. Just then the first gun is fired. My heart is gaining speed. This might be the start of not just my end but all of America's end.  


This will be the changing point of millions of future of American's. This is everything. As Abraham Lincoln raised the stripped blue, red and white flag above my head we all charged straight into the Confederates. We need to stop them here and now.  


I question I have from this viewpoint is  Are they only fighting because they need to? 

How nervous are they going into a battle? 

What is there motive to fight other than for slavery ? If there is one. (Personally) 


I am thinking of the battle of Gettysburg through the perspective of a Confederate Lieutenant . 


The snow has piled over the last night we are moving fast to the East to face the feeble arrogant North. We are low on numbers though we can come out on top. The war is a matter of Pacience you cannot win a war in a matter of days. We need to do this for the people back in the Confederate States. We needed to come out on top. Some people who don't believe in slavery need to be put in their places because that is the way the world is evolving to be. Just as we are coming over the mountain we spot the North. Here we go this is either life or death. We charge recklessly into the wave of the North many being shot down on the spot some being able to make their way back to the main pack. Then we set up camp for the night. The night was unforgivingly cold and I felt like to go back home though I knew I was going to be forced to fight on. We did end up fighting for a whole three days until we couldn't move onwards having lost the battle we stumbled back all the way to base. Knowing that we endured heavy artillery and troop loses. 

What was the battle like? (E.G were there trenches). 

Why and how do you think you had lost? 


I am thinking of the Battle of Gettysburg through the perspective of Abraham Lincoln who played an influential part  and gave Compassion to many.  


I am trudging along in the think and fresh mourning snow. The baren earth underfoot. We have been doing this for quite a while and food is getting scarce. The men need a bit of moral though there is not much to do in this unforgiving weather. It is like a graveyard. All the troops are tired and I can't hear anything from them. Like I have always said "Folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be". So if you look for the bad in every situation you will never be truly happy. 

 We need to look for the good in every situation. We need to progress not fall back but it is hard in war every step forward you take half a step back. Just then I know what to do I raise the stared and stripped flag. 


Just as I did that the first gun fired. The battle has begun. With not knowing what was to become of the battle we charged in. It was a swirl of gunfire and bombs it was like the world was turning around me. I was surrounded by both friends and foe. This went on with no surrender for three long days with constant gunfire from enemy lines. At the end of the third day the Confederates were to worn down to continue. We had won though again this didn't mean the end of the war. Bruised and battered we walked away victorious though not smiling as for many devastating loses were to be conceived by many comrades of the ones lost. 


Was this battle a step closer to victory and if so why? 

Did this help faith back home that you were closer to the end of the war? 


Visible Thinking Routine is a describing what certain people who had major roles in the civil war would have felt. For example, a soldier.

Abraham Lincoln
Visible Thinking Routine.

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